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Freeze Dried Beef Liver Dog Treats

Freeze Dried Beef Liver Dog Treats

Regular price $14.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $14.99 USD
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Explore the tantalizing dimension of Crack Snacks, showcasing the Raw Freeze-Dried Beef Liver, derived from the crème de la crème, superior, and absolutely radiant cows! These are not your everyday milk providers; they are the monarchs of the meadow, the tango dancers of the barnyard, and the redefined of the prairie!

Absolutely additive-free, sheer wholesome goodness that will propel your furry pal into raptures of happiness! Opening this pouch is likely to unleash a windsheer of wiggling tails; a stampede of happy paws, and waterfalls of slobber, just for a taste of this liver feast. Feel free to use this flavorful nugget as a negotiating tool to get your left slipper back.

Get ready for insistent, adorable puppy stares and maybe the mastery of new stunts as your dog enters a land of irresistible taste! Keep calm, snack on, and let the doggy shenanigans begin!

Shipping & Returns

We are proud to offer international shipping services. All orders are shipped within  12 to 48 hours of you placing the order using DHL eCommerce, USPS, or Packet depending on your location and fastest available service. The typical delivery time frame is between 4 to 13  business days however, you may receive your items much earlier. All orders are shipped with a tracking number so you can track them every step of the way! Packages may be faced with delays beyond our control such as customs or postal delays.


We are not responsible for any custom fees once the items have shipped. By purchasing our products, you consent that one or more packages may be shipped to you and may get custom fees when they arrive in your country.

Helpful Hint: 

1. Normally, the local shipper deliveries package on a workday( Mon. - Fri.), to ensure the safe delivery of your parcel, so it is best for you to choose an address where you can receive the package on a workday as the shipping address. It's best to keep your phone open during the estimated time of arrival because the shipper might contact you via phone.

2. The shipping service we used is required to have the customer's signature for a successful delivery. So please make sure that you or your authorized person is at the shipping address. If we shipped to your shipping address and have a signature file, we do not take responsibility once the package is lost or stolen.


You will receive an email with a tracking number once your order is shipped but sometimes due to free shipping tracking is not available. For logistical reasons, items in the same purchase may be sent in separate packages even if you’ve specified combined shipping.

If you have any other questions, please contact us via e-mail: , and we will do our best to help you.

Our shipping information is subject to change at any time, however, the most updated information will be on this page! 


For any questions regarding our products or for assistance with your order, please email us  and you should get a response within one business day. If you are emailing about your order, please make sure to include the order number or the email address used at the checkout in your message. Thank you!
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